Northeast LA Winter Solstice Celebration

Northeast LA’s Winter Solstice Festival is an inclusive celebration bringing together unifying and cultivating the awareness and power of all people through art, music, peace and social action. This celebration is a catalyst for creating and supporting a world in which all individuals, families, and communities are valued and can live in a society where freedom, justice, respect, dignity, peace and sustainable ways of living are its guiding principles.

Northeast LA’s Winter Solstice  Celebration
Saturday, December 19, 2009, Noon
Tierra de la Culebra Park
240 S. Avenue 57, Highland Park, CA 90042

Featuring Mexica, Aztlan Underground, Rudo Movimiento, Andrew Serra (Flamenco), Soul Conference, Guerrilla Queenz, Cihuatl-Ce, The Hashishans, and Wolfrobe.


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